Art Instruction

Karen Richardson working on a large watercolour painting

Sales of Karen's paintings have grown significantly in recent years and she is kept busy creating artwork for her commercial gallery partners across central Ontario. While Karen no longer has time to teach in-person workshops, you can benefit from her decades of experience with watercolour.

In her monthly Studio News emails, Karen often shares behind-the-scenes stories about her art, instructional articles about how she paints, as well as the occasional time lapse painting video, free of charge. She hopes to pass on her knowledge and inspiration to as many people as possible.

Click here to view Karen's past art instruction articles and videos.

Check out Karen's award-winning instruction book, Watercolour Toolbox: Essentials for Painting Success.

Click here to join Karen's Studio News group to receive her latest painting tips or artist's stories in your inbox. You may unsubscribe at any time.