Seeing British Columbia from a Sailboat

13 June, 2015 0 comments Leave a comment

This week we had two marvelous opportunities to see the coast of British Columbia, as guests on boats belonging to friends and relatives. This article is about the first cruise.

The weather was sunny and breezy on Saturday, as six family members boarded a 38 foot sailboat that was docked at West Vancouver Yacht Club (above). My brother in law is pictured here, and the boat belongs to his brother.

Shown above are me and my husband John. Our cruise was about 90 minutes north along the coast from West Vancouver to the Elliott Bay Outstation, a private docking facility belonging to the Yacht Club (shown below).

We docked here for a few hours, ate a delicious picnic lunch provided by the captain's wife, chatted with neighbouring sailors, and walked on hiking trails in the hills above the bay.

We saw these ferns during our hike. It was a magical place.


Above is the sailboat docked at Elliott Bay. On the way back to West Vancouver, we had some excellent views of the coast, other sailboats, and a huge ferry. Below are a selection of my favourite photos.

I was surprised how uninhabited the coast appeared to be, north of Vancouver. I guess the terrain makes development too costly. As we got closer to the city, we saw more signs of human activity.

And as we neared our harbour at the Yacht Club, we saw more homes on the coast.

What an amazing day, thanks to my Vancouver family!

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