My Fabulous Frog Encounter

24 July, 2022 3 comments Leave a comment

Frogs at Point Pelee, photo by Karen Richardson


Water Lily photo by Karen Richardson

My husband and I had the chance to visit Point Pelee National Park on the shores of Lake Erie this summer.

While there, I was thrilled to meet some very photogenic frogs in a small pond near the visitors' centre.

Why this excitement over frogs, you ask?

It's because I have a collection of lovely photos of pink water lilies I would like to paint, and lily pads are the perfect setting for frogs.

I chanced upon the gorgeous blooms pictured here near Timmins, ON three years ago. 

Water Lillies, photo by Karen Richardson

We were in town to see the 'Stars and Thunder' outdoor music festival, and the resort we camped at had an ornamental pond with koi and water lilies.

These photos could translate into great paintings, but if I have some well-focused close-up shots of frogs to add a bit of animation or 'story' to the scenes, I have the possibility of creating some really exciting, large-scale watercolour pieces.

That is why I was so pleased to have these wee frogs pose for me at Point Pelee. Imagine the fun I could have coming up with painting titles...

Frog photo by Karen Richardson

'I've Got Your Back'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson

'Private Spa'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson

'Who Let the Frog Out'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson

'Sit Quietly and Listen'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson


'The Thinker'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson


'All That You Dream'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson


'Best Friends'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson

'Just Chillin'


Frog photo by Karen Richardson

'The Sunbathers'

With this variety of poses, I may have all the angles covered for some upcoming frog-and-water-lily compositions. Stay tuned!

Which frog is your favourite? Do you have a great painting title in mind? If you have comments you wish to share, please do so using the 'Leave a Comment' button at the top of this post. 

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  1. Elfrida Jeppesen September 02, 2022

    “private spa” is my favourite frog.
    I am looking forward to seeing the future paintings.

  2. Diane Schurman September 02, 2022

    Brilliant, Karen! I know they will be masterworks! Looking forward to seeing them!

  3. Fred Ford September 02, 2022

    My best frog memory is that when I was about 10 yo fishing on the shore of the Napanee River I saw a frog sitting on a lily pad right next to a flower. A honeybee came along to tap into the flower. That was a mistake for both the bee and the frog. The frog saw the bee as a meal and snapped it up. The result was immediate as the bee stung the frog’s tongue. The frog turned almos inside out to spit out the bee. The bee’s stinger was fully attached to the frog’s tongue. Eventually it pulled the stinger from it’s own abdomen & left the sharp point, pumping vemom in the frog’s tongue. The frog was eventuall able to pull in its tongue. I don’t think it ever ate another bee. The bee, well it would just die. The end. Fred.