My Top 100 Winners: The Art of Watercolour Magazine
15 July, 2024 0 comments Leave a comment

I subscribe to The Art of Watercolour magazine, which is published quarterly in France and circulated to over 30,000 readers worldwide. Each issue is packed with articles about watercolour artists from around the globe, describing their methods and inspiration for their paintings.

In each issue the publishers announce a themed competition into which each reader may submit up to three watercolour paintings.
All submissions are posted on line and readers vote for their favourite paintings. The votes are tallied, and the 100 paintings with the most votes are published in the next magazine issue.

Since I began entering paintings into this competition three years ago, I have been blessed to have ten of my watercolours voted into the Top 100 in five different issues. Those winners are pictured together at the top of this post.
When I received the 54th magazine issue (June 2024) in the mail recently, I was delighted to see two of my paintings featured in in it.
The theme was 'Capturing the Light of a Summer Scene'. My winning watercolours are Simply Superior (24 x 12 inches) a Lake Superior beach scene which placed in the top 20, and The Golden Hour (10 x 10 inches), a misty sunrise scene at the Richardson family's cottage on Big Cedar Lake.
Earlier this year, I was thrilled to learn that all three of the monarch butterfly paintings I entered in a 'Wildlife' themed competition were voted into the Top 100 in the 48th issue (January 2023). Even more astounding: they all placed in the top 50.
The paintings are Superior Monarch (10 x 10 inches), Time to Head South (16 x 20 inches), and Sacred Spirit (10 x 10 inches).
The previous summer, my watercolours Bathing Beauties (20 x 16 inches) and Mystical Morning (12 x 16 inches) were voted into the Top 100 of issue #46 (June 2022).
The theme of this competition was 'Summer Light' and it attracted over ten thousand votes.
When I received the magazine and saw my lake superior beach scene actually placed tenth, I was over the moon. The misty lake scene with canoe was inspired during a cruise I took on Lake Muskoka.
The previous winter, the competition theme was 'Winter Atmosphere' in the 43rd issue (Dec 2021).
My winter scene Moonglow (20 x 16 inches) was voted into the Top 100. (It placed in the top 40.)
This is one of my all time favourite winter scenes. It was inspired by a photo, taken by northern Ontario photographer James Shedden, and used with his permission.
In this piece, a vintage cabin sits nestled in the quiet of a winter forest, under the warm glow of a full moon. Two venerable conifers stand guard as branches creak and wind sighs softly through a gentle night.
The previous summer, my maritime paintings Reflections of Yesterday (12 x 16 inches) and Guardians of the Bay (12 x 12 inches) were voted into the Top 100 paintings in the magazine's 42nd issue (July 2021). They were inspired by my trips to PEI and Newfoundland.
The theme of the competition was 'Urban Landscapes and Seascapes' and almost 20,000 votes were cast.
It is gratifying to know that artists, art show organizers, gallery owners, art societies and collectors from around the world see some merit in paintings that spring from my heart and soul. This international recognition makes me feel that I am making art that matters, that celebrates something worthy, and that people care about.
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